Spiritual Direction

Individual Spiritual Direction – Individual spiritual direction is the art and practice of companioning you on your spiritual journey.  It is an ancient tradition that encourages you to look for love, light, and life in the everyday moments and events of your life. When we meet together in spiritual direction, we talk about your life and pay attention to the deep whispers within you.

Another term for spiritual direction is sacred listening - attentive listening that explicitly acknowledges your spiritual life. A spiritual director serves as a mirror to help reveal the deepest you.

You are welcome in spiritual direction no matter where you are on your spiritual path. Sometimes people begin during difficult times in their lives, other times people enter when they long for something more.

Spiritual direction is not therapy; instead its focus is on your spiritual life and longings. Typically we meet for one hour, once each month.

Group Spiritual Direction – Group spiritual direction is about going deeper on your spiritual journey with the support of a small group. It isn’t about talking together, but instead is about a circle of deep sharing and attentive listening. The focus is on each member’s spiritual longings while being present with one another to help in discernment. Typically we meet for a couple hours, once each month.